Like the UYK family of military computers, the Dual E board supports multiple processing threads called chains. These chains are basically a variable length list of instructions which are executed sequentially from beginning to end until all the instructions contained in the chain (or list) are done. There are a total of 10 chains that can be running simultaneously on the Dual E board - five per interface, supporting NTDS input buffers, output buffers, EI buffers, EF buffers and user commands. The actual length of any chain is determined by the complexity of the NTDS interface and the programming of the user. Another feature of the UYK computer incorporated into the Jentech Dual E board is a real-time, multi-tasking operating system which supports the execution of these instruction chains. The Dual E board is capable of automatically sequencing through all instructions contained in all 10 chains simultaneously without input from the user. All chain housekeeping and context switching is performed automatically by the multi-tasking operating system, including the monitoring of buffer status, operations performed on data in memory and the transfer of data across VME and NTDS. Status register feedback and interrupt signaling much like that performed in the UYK computer can be enabled to alert the user about buffer completion and error conditions. The Jentech real-time multi-tasking operating system is supported by high performance hardware resources which attain throughput and latency results that exceed other products in today's NTDS market. The FLASH based lookup table eliminates the need for the user to rewrite any existing instruction chains or interface drivers by correlating each specific user instruction set with one or more of the generic subroutines provided by the Dual E board. Once the user has defined all op-codes and instruction formats contained in the user software, Jentech will build the FLASH based lookup table which will stay resident on the board and be automatically invoked each time upon startup. This only needs to be done once prior to the first time the board is used. Modifications and the addition of new instructions are easily incorporated. The following is a list of instruction types supported:
The following are the VME interface parameters which are initialized upon power up:
The following are the NTDS I/F parameters which are initialized upon power up: